The Canterbury All Breeds show was held at Canterbury Caledonian Society Hall over two days, longhairs on the first and short hairs on the second.
There were several international judges including:
Debbie Prince from California, USA
Kit Fung from Hong Kong
Marisa Thistlewaite & Maureen Norberry from Australia
And two judges from NZ, Christine Yeung and Maree Roy.
Karla James from Highglow kindly showed Apokalypt Eclaire alongwith her other Highglow kittens. Highlights included Jo Millar's gorgeous Russian stud resting on my shoulders like a sack of potatoes and I just loved the grumpy tortie Burmese.
The wonderful Maureen Norberry who used to breed devons came and chatted to me after judging and instilled much inspiration into what I am trying to achieve despite not placing consistently.
For Apokalypt, Ophelia Flame placed 7th BIS under Maureen Norberry & 8th BIS under Maree Roy. Eclaire placed 4th BIS under Debbie Prince. Magic Circle did not place.

Kit Fung judging Apokalypt Magic Circle.

Christine Yeung with Apokalypt Ophelia Flame.

Christine Yeung with Apokalypt Ophelia Flame.

Kit Fung with Apokalypt Eclaire.

Kit Fung with Apokalypt Ophelia Flame.

Kit Fung with Apokalypt Ophelia Flame.

Debbie Prince with Apokalypt Magic Circle.

Debbie Prince with Apokalypt Magic Circle.